
Senin, 03 Oktober 2016

Order-Acknowledgement Buiness Letter

South Jakarta 14432

                                                                                                            2nd November, 2016
Your Ref : PO-231
Our Ref   : INC-234

Mr. Jaja Alexander
JL.  Kelapa Dua,Kebon Jeruk
West Jakarta 14421

Dear Mr. Jaja

We are pleased to have your order dated on 1st  September, we will send it as soon as possible. It is our pleased to get big opportunities that you have trusted our services and we are sure that can make you satisfied. The Order settlement will be throught on cash and delivery it to our Bank UUC.

The freight bill, invoice statement and puchase order are enclosed on this letter. We are now making up your order.
We hope you will find goods satisfactory and keep it up our services to your order for the future. Many thanks for your choose us as your best choice.

Your Sincerely,

Mochammad Rizqi
Marketing Staff

What that type of letter is used for : ( In my opinion )

Order-acknowledgement letter ( Surat balasan bagi pelanggan yang telah order )
Surat ini merupakan salah satu dari beberapa jenis surat-surat bisnis yang ada. Salah satu surat bisnis yaitu order-acknowledgement atau surat balasan bagi pelanggan yang sudah melakukan pesan barang. Sama halnya dengan surat pada umumnya. Surat order-acknowledgement berisi salam pembuka , penerima, serta isi yang biasanya berisikan ucapan terimakasih kepada pelanggan atas pesanannya, lalu berisikan persediaan barang dan cara pengiriman dan pelunasan pembayaran. Namun order-acknowledgemetnt ini juga tidak hanya berisikan surat ucapan terimakasih atas pelanngan yang telah memesan tetapi juga surat ini bisa berisikan tentang permohonan maaf atas tak  tersedia nya barang yang dimiliki penjual.

 This type letter is one of all types business letter  are available. This name one is called Order-Acknowledgement or general means it is reply letter to someone, coorporate or anyone else that have been order something that they need. Such as, electronical equipments, comsumers and good, building equipments and more. Part of part, this letter has more requierments such as greeting part, receiver address and name, thanking to customer for their order, equipments and tools availability. And the last content for this letter is about how steps to send it and settlement the bill or payment. On the other hand, this letter not only means about thanking to customer for their order, but it also saying about they apologies that they can not fill customer needs caused adequacy of preparations.

The Reason to make the example about it :

The important things that can not be skip is feedback. Feedback is the most important thing that must show. To feedback someone, there are requierements, such as obey, responsibility, thanking, and so on. If it have fulled of it. It can be received by someone, coorporate, etc within positive reaction for customer or customer loyality that can make they sure for our services.  The example above is learn us how to make order-acknowledgement letter correctly and learn us how to using it rightly. 

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